Jinnah Tower in India

Jinnah Tower in India

 Two congress politicians constructed Jinnah Tower in India! This was AFTER Jinnah partitioned India and created Pakistan!

The tower seen in this picture is "Jinnah Tower". No, it is NOT in Pakistan. It is in Guntur, India.

Jinnah was the man who broke India into three pieces. Why? Because he believed that Muslims should get a country in India at any cost, including the lives of hundreds of thousands of Hindus. His idea of Pakistan led to killings of hundreds of thousands. Around 10 million people were displaced. For Sindhis, Punjabis and Bengalis, Jinnah was directly responsible for the permanent loss of their land. As such, he is to Indians and Hindus what Hitler is to Jews.

It is unimaginable to see Hitler Tower in Germany. But we have a Jinnah tower right inside India.

And here is the most shameful thing. Two Congress Secularist politicians named Nadimpally Narasimha Rao and Tellakula Jalayya constructed it AFTER partition of India and creation of Pakistan!